You are currently viewing 6 YEARS.


Bollinger Motors has been at it since 2015. Time flies.
In some ways the time went crazy fast, and in other ways when we look at all the milestones in our short history, it feels more like 20 years.

Pictured above, the very first B1 model.

Above is our first shop in Hobart, NY, a converted service station where Robert and 4 engineers designed and built the first B1 2-door prototype.

Shortly after the NYC reveal of the B1 in 2017, the team took the prototype out west for some real off road testing. Here they pose for a quintessential Moab band photo. These guys had been marathoning at computers and in the shop for 2 years. Sometimes near 20 hour days.
You can imagine they were pretty excited to be outdoors, maybe even confused.

After relocating to Detroit in 2018, we went from an Eastern Market loft to our mid-sized shop in Ferndale where we hand-built the second round of prototypes.
Above, Paco waits for a tennis ball to be thrown, the 2019 B1prototype fresh off the assembly plate, and a rendering of the 2019 B2 stuffed with long cargo.

Here the 2019 B2 prototype sits on a cart inside the Ferndale shop while the team discusses timing for the prototype builds.

Above is our current design and development headquarters in Oak Park, Michigan. We moved here in August 2020.

And of course, our favorite workplace, the great outdoors. Above, the B2 in Shrine Pass, Colorado, and the B1 during winter testing at Continental’s Brimley Development Center in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

‘Charge It Up’ song created by Robby Che, inspired by Bollinger Motors. Thanks Robby!